GDG Golang Kazan

A Kazan-based community for the Go programming language enthusiasts.

Golang Kazan official logo: Gopher riding Zilant the Dragon, the Kazan city symbol

GDG Golang Kazan

We welcome everyone, curious beginners and professionals alike.

Code of Conduct

We follow the Go Community Code of Conduct.

Get in touch

Our main hashtags: #GolangKazan, #golang, #gdg.

Our repositories.

Announcements and news. (Retweets are welcome!)

... so are reposts :)

Announcements and discussions.

#meetup-tatar The Slack channel inside the golang-ru workspace.

The primary platform for announcing and signing up for upcoming events.

Announcements, photos, polls.


Presentations given at our past events are published on GolangKazan/talks.